
Sorting n Packing

Well it was a busy weekend for me.. I have so much stuff to go through since we combined 2 households, not to mention all the stuff we've aquired the last 2 years. In the beginning we had doubles of almost everything but have since gotten rid a of alot, but apparently not enought...lol. With Jeremy already in Utah I have free reign over what I can pack and what I can get rid of. I guess if he doesn't know it's here, then he won't miss it.. haha. I'm sitting here looking around at everything and I thinking I'm gonna need like 100 boxes, seriously, I'm not joking.. Unfortunately it will be just me doing the sorting and the packing cuz trying to get my boys to help would be like me pulling my own teeth blindfolded with no novacaine. It's going to be a war just getting them to get their stuff ready to go. After I finally get everything in the house packed, on to the garage I go. I even have to take shelves apart so we can take them with us. But of course I'll have to borrow some tools from someone since I'm pretty sure Jer took all of his with him so the boys would keep there hands off of them. (more so Jaimee than Chris). It's probably going to take me 3 or 4 weeks just to pack. The stuff Jeremy already took with him hardly even made a dent. UGGG!!!

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